Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Open Letter To Britney Spears From Perez Hilton!!!

I had to publish this it so funny how Perez Hilton broke Britney down.
Dear Britney,
Fuck you!
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!
We are insulted, offended and disgusted by your “performance” at the VMAs.
Are you fucking serious???
What you did was disrespectful to your few remaining fans. And it was disrespectful to MTV!
You didn’t even try!!!!!
You should have just cancelled, bitch.
Your performance was beyond pathetic. The old Britney Spears, who was at one point (a long time ago) truly great, would be embarrassed by your lack of professionalism and utterly shiteous appearance at the VMAs.
Where was Criss Angel? Where was the magic? And by ‘magic’ we don’t mean any tricks or illusions.
You seemed dead onstage. You have lost that spark and shine that used to ooze out of you!
We all know you lipsynch, but you couldn’t even do that well at the VMAs!
And you barely danced!
You couldn’t even get good hair extensions??????
You have no one to blame for your failure but YOU!
There was no way you were going to be good. You were out partying every night before the VMAs for three days in a row until almost sunrise! You were probably still drunk or high during your performance!!! You almost tripped a few times, you fucking mess!!!!!!!
No bullshit excuse that you or your camp will come up with can make up for how pathetic your performance was.
You heard Sarah Silverman was going to make fun of your kids and it upset you? Deal with it! Rise above it! Or don’t go on!
A true professional will DELIVER - no matter what!!!!
Let’s repeat that. It’s worth repeating.
A true professional will deliver - NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
What you did was inexcusable!
Your new manager, Jeff Kwatinez, should be ashamed of himself! You have tainted his reputation and everyone at his company, The Firm, should run and hide.
Your record label, Jive, must be thrilled.
You should apologize to everyone, Britney!!!!
You are pathetic!
P.S. Your beer belly looked hot!
P.S. #2 - Thank God for Alicia Keys! She is the real deal! She killed it! She is what the VMAs should be all about - the music, the showmanship and the professionalism.
P.S. #3 - How badly did the Video Music Awards suck all-around???
P.S. #4 - For Perez’s full recap of the VMAs, tune in to
What Perez Sez, premiering THIS TUESDAY, September 11th at 9 pm - only on Vh1!
P.S. #5 - We hope you are getting help, Britney. Seriously. Sincerely. You need help! We hope you have a good psychiatrist!


Old School Fridays said...

LoL, That's harsh! Tough love is the last thing she needs right now. She needs some rest and relaxation in a well secured facility with padding in the cells.

whatsuptamnews said...

Hi Mrs. Grapevine thanks for reading whatsuptamnews. Yeah it was real harsh but too damn funny not to print. Her performance was real bad...LOL

Unknown said...

How dare yell make fun of mental illnes

Indro bramanto said...

I love u britney spears no matter what

Anonymous said...

Wow. A little harsh? Try actually disturbing.