Friday, October 5, 2007

Jim Jones Signs A New Deal!!

I guess Dipset is really over Jim Jones has signed a new deal with Sony according to Miss Info. “I just left the lawyer’s office. I signed a multimillion dollar joint venture with Sony. My boss is Rick Rubin and Hip Hop (Kyambo Joshua) is doing my albums with me. What you think Jay-Z is gonna think about that?”
“What’s crazy is that they gave me the same deal that Un and them fucked up back in the day when they got the Sony/Untertainment deal….I got that joint venture, that 50/50 split, they don’t give those out anymore. That’s a Dame Dash, Ruff Ryders deal. And I’m bout to go crazy with it. I’m gonna be a problem.”
“That’s bugged, right? Just think, Minya [note: ok, I’ve known the Dipset guys longer than I’ve been Miss Info so they get a pass, ool] Hip Hop is the guy who did all of Jay’s albums, and Rick Rubin is the man who gave him that monster hit. So I dont know if he was aware of the deal, but its when everyone else finds out….that’s what I imagine will put him in a different kind of state

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