This woman does not cease to amaze me she has the ho game on lock. Here are some excerpts from her upcoming new book. I read the first book which I personally thought was garbage . Can someone send me a copy of the new book I cannot spend money on this mess. All I can say is Jesus take the wheel for this trick. Check out the excerpts:
JUELZ SANTANA: How was it?It was good. He’s really wild in bed, and don’t let the ‘No homo’ stuff fool you, because he is definitely not a homo in bed. His d*ck is like a baseball bat, but it’s thick too like a overgrown German sausage. He likes to pull hair a lot, and he actually likes it better when a girl rides.
50 CENT: What’s your story?50 cent and I have had our share of sexual encounters. We kick it every time he comes to L.A.. His d*ck is not as big as I assumed it would be. It was probably about 7 1/2 inches. But it's not a big disappointment because he can eat pus*y like no other
.How did you meet? I know a few studio owners, so when he was out here recording with Game, I went in to meet them. It jumped off from there.
Does he have a fetish? Yes, 50 loves ti**ies and a*s. I happen to have them both so I guess that's why he immediately came on to me.He came on to you? Actually he did, I wanted him either way, so if I had to come on to him, or he did, I was still going to get him.
YOUNG BUCK: Was Young Buck good in bed? He was the best I ever had. His d*ck was like the Energizer Bunny. It kept going and going. The sex lasted for hours at a time. It was the best I ever had and it got better each time.Was this a ongoing relationship? It wasn’t a relationship really, it was more of a sex thing. It lasted about 5 months.When did you meet Young Buck? I met him through one of my friends. She was dating one of his cousins or someone related to him. She introduced me at a party and he took me back to his hotel after that.Was he famous when you met him? Not really, he was known through G-Unit but this was before his CD came out.Any other celebrities you would give a try? Yeah. There’s a few, but I doubt any of them would be better.
USHER: Were you in a relationship with Usher, or was it just for the sex? I wouldn't dream of being in a relationship with him. YUCK. It was just for sex, but the sex was NOT all that good either. I kinda felt sorry for him. So I fu**ed him.Were you disappointed? Um yeah. Because it was after a concert when we “fu**ed” and it was smelling like straight up FISH up in backstage in his dressing room. It was NOT me either. So I'm like babes? What's that smell. He tried to make it seem like it already smelled like that when they got to the arena. I'm like whatever, can we get this over with.How was the sex? It was fu**ing horrible and on top of that it was smelling back there. This man is not packing, his d*ck is way small and he was having a hard time trying to find my hole. Then ol’ boy did something out of this world, he yelled out something Haitian. I was sick to my stomach. I got dressed and ran out of there.Are there any celebs you’d want to sleep with? Yes! Just not Usher. I’d fu** Lil Jon before I have sex with Usher again.
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